Advertising on Glasgow Radio Stations

Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland and third most populous in the United Kingdom.Around 2,300,000 people live in the Glasgow travel-to-work area. This area is defined as having 10% and over of residents travelling into Glasgow to work, and has no fixed boundaries.

Why Advertise in Glasgow

The 2009 population of the city council area was 588,430 and the population of both the City of Glasgow Council area and Greater Glasgow are forecast to grow in the near future. Glasgow has the largest economy in Scotland and is at the hub of the metropolitan area of West Central Scotland. Glasgow also has the third highest GDP Per capita of any city in the UK (after London and Edinburgh).

The city itself sustains more than 410,000 jobs in over 12,000 companies. Over 153,000 jobs were created in the city between 2000 and 2005 — a growth rate of 32%. Glasgow’s annual economic growth rate of 4.4% is now second only to that of London. In 2005, over 17,000 new jobs were created, and 2006 saw private-sector investment in the city reaching £4.2 billion pounds, an increase of 22% in a single year. 55% of the residents in the Greater Glasgow area commute to the city every day.



For more information regarding advertising on commercial radio stations in Glasgow please contact us on; 0208 003 2949

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