Get Safe Online and Media Agency Group Make Sure Parents are Switched On

The UK’s leading provider of information and advice on online safety – not-for-profit Get Safe Online – has enlisted Media Agency Group to target Northern Ireland with its latest internet safety campaign.

get sae online 48 sheet billboard

Radio and billboard advertising will be used to promote Get Safe Online’s message throughout Northern Ireland, with radio adverts launching on May 12th and high impact 48 sheets from May 19th.

The 30 second radio ads will be broadcast across leading radio station Cool FM for three weeks, immediately engaging an older generation by highlighting how the internet has changed over the years. A male voice encourages parents to visit and discover how to keep kids safe “while they’re exploring the online world.” Repetition of the phrases “Get switched on” and “Get safe online” ensures the company’s message is fully embedded in the minds of listeners. The ad also highlights that the website is supported by the PSNI.

As the UK’s leading source of information on online safety, Get Safe Online is using this campaign to make more people aware of its resources on how to protect themselves and their families against fraud, viruses, and the many other problems encountered online.

Media Agency group CEO, Lee Dentith said:

“Radio advertising is a great way to create an emotional reaction in listeners, making it an ideal format for this campaign. Backing up the message with high-impact billboards will ensure maximum reach to parents throughout Northern Ireland, and effectively raise awareness of the importance of keeping children safe online.”

Listen to the ad here:

listen to ‘Get Safe Online Radio Advert’ on Audioboo